the wamyoruiju-sho and shugai-sho indicate that ancient provincial offices were located in kasa-gun . 国府は、和名類聚抄および拾芥抄では、加佐郡。
the ancient provincial offices of tanba were located in kameoka city far from moto-ise but quite close to yamashiro province . 丹波国府は元伊勢から離れた場所で、山城国に極めて近い亀岡市に置かれた。
the ' kondei ' (regular soldiers guarding kokubu - ancient provincial offices ) or sekisho (checking station )) that managed the army after the dismantling cohort in 792 was basically cavalry with archers . 792年(延暦11)の軍団解消以降、軍事を担った「健児」も基本的には弓射騎兵である。